Welcome to Cachar College Central Library…..


Library Timing:

Working Days of Library06 Days (Monday to Saturday)
Library remains closed only on national holidays
Working Hours10:30 AM - 05:00PM
Issue Hours 11:00AM – 02:00PM
02:00PM – 4:00PM
Reading Room 10:30AM - 02:00PM
02:30PM - 4:30PM
Lunch Hour 02:00PM – 02:30PM


Rules & Regulations:

1. The regular Students, Teachers and Non-Teaching staffs are allowed to use the Library
2. The Retired staff of the college and Outsider can also use the Library under certain conditions like submission of application or forwarding letter.
3. Library users are requested to keep their belongings such as bags, umbrella, personal books, water bottles etc in the PROPERTY COUNTER. (Mobile, Laptop and money purse to be kept with the users).
4. All reasonable care for the safe custody of the belongings will be taken. The administration shall not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss of any kind of personal belongings
5. A numbered token is obtained in lieu thereof. This facility for depositing personal belonging at the property counter can be enjoyed only for the period the depositor is in the library
6. Loss of token should be immediately brought to the notice of the In-Charge of the Property Counter as well as the Librarian so that necessary steps may be taken to stop delivery of the article or articles deposited against the token to any person presenting the lost token.
7. Library users are requested to Sign in the ENTRY REGISTER, their name, class, ID no, in time and out time.
8. Library users are requested to maintain the order of the books on the shelves.
9. Circulation counter will remain open from 11:00AM to 02:00PM and 02.30PM to 04.00PM .
10. Books will be issued upon identification of LIBRARY MEBERSHIP CARD
11. Library Membership Card is non- transferable
12. Reference books, Rare Books, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Journals, Periodicals, Newspapers and Question papers will not be issued out to students and teachers but to be only used in Library.
13. Regular Students, Regular Teachers, Part time Teachers and Regular Non Teaching staffs are entitled to borrow books from the Library
14. For TDC Honours Students (2) Books, for TDC Pass Student (2) Book and for H.S. Students (2) Book will be issued for 15 days.
15. For Teachers and Non Teaching staffs (5) books will be issued for 30 days
16. Library Users should carefully examine the book issued to them before leaving the Circulation Counter.
17. Library users borrowing out book from Library shall be responsible for the book and shall return it undamaged within the due time.
18. Users can also renew the books again after the completion of charging period, subject to not being requested from some other user.
19. A Fine of Re 1 will be taken for overdue per day
20. Loss of Library Membership card need to be brought under notice of the Librarian. A duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs 15.
21. At the end of Academic session, all borrowed books and Library Cards must be returned to the Library for getting Library Clearance.
22. Library users need to maintain silence and discipline in and around Library.
23. Taking chewing pan, spitting, eating food, sleeping, smoking or any behavior to disturb other readers or the discipline of the library is strictly prohibited.
24. Students are debarred from accessing social networking site like facebook, twitter etc. inside Library
25. Unauthorized lifting of books from the Library is a serious offence and stringent action will be taken on such person.
26. Reader should vacate their seat fifteen minute before the closing.
27. Students are not allowed to enter the library without uniform
28. The members caught tearing of pages/stealing books or otherwise intentionally damaging any library documents or its accessories will be suspended forthwith from using library facilities.
29. Students are requested to use the library books with proper care. Underlining, folding of pages, etc is strictly prohibited
30. Kindly keep the Mobile Phones either in switch off or in silence mode.
31. New books/Journals/Magazines/Newspaper requirements should be submitted through the Head of the Department to the library.
32. Reading room will be utilized only for reading purpose. No other activities will be allowed or permissible without prior intimation of the authority.
33. Photocopy of any article or paper from journal is allowed only in the Library reprographic section
34. Before Collecting Admit Cards for Final Examination (semester/Yearly), Students should return all the library books which will notified from time to time in the Notice Board of the Library.
35. For any query /help/suggestion/complain, please contact the Librarian.
The above mentioned rules are subject to periodical reviews and revisions by the management of the Library.


Library Membership and Circulation Policies:

All registered students, faculty and staff of the institute are entitled for the membership of the library. Membership is allowed only after submitting a duly filled in and signed membership form, duly recommended by the concerned HoD or office order of joining in the college. The members are supposed to be conversant with and agreeable to the Library rules.
Steps: (1) At the beginning of the session, process of the Library Membership Card will start and shall be finalized within a month
(2) For new membership, notice will be given (Please check College Website & Library Notice Board)
(3) Visit the Circulation Counter.
(4) Submit dully filled Library Membership Form (Link Available in Forms Section of Library Page)
(5) Submit 2 stamp sized photograph
(6) Submit photocopy of College Enrollment Card.
(7) After processing Library Card will be issued to the students (Notice will be given in College Website & Library Notice Board)


Users are divided into the following categories - their entitlements, maximum number of books and number of days of issue is proposed in the following table.

Member CategoryBook Issue PrivilegesDuration Fine per day
For teaching and nonteaching staff
Full Time Faculty 05 30 days 1
Part Time Faculty0530 days 1
Non-teaching Staff 05 30 days 1
For Students
HS 02 15 days 1
TDC (General)02 15 days 1
TDC (Honours) 02 15 days 1